
Barrier Blocks

A barrier can be obtained in Minecraft by typing -

/give (player name / command target code) barrier (amount)

For example -

/give Steve barrier 64 or /give @p barrier 64

This requires cheats to be enabled and the player who is using the command to be OP'ed.

You would assume that only Hausemaster could spawn in a barrier block and he would never do so as barriers are unbreakable and restrict players, eg imagine if he surrounded an area with barriers so no one could get in that would not be anarchy.

But imagine if a certain player cough iTristan cough was to obtain OP by means of guessing the password of georgebush420 and spawning in all manner of game-breaking items. And what if a certain player cough jared2013 cough was to find one of those blocks and then proceeded to dupe those items. What would happen then?

I'll tell you what happens... GODDAMN HAUSEMASTER WILL INSTALL A DARN PLUGIN TO DISABLE THOSE ITEMS!!! Yes, your old friend Hause installed the "disable item" plugin. Basically if you look into any item container that contains one of the banned items (bedrock, barriers and pig spawners) it will be deleted instantly. If you try to place a banned block... BOOM it's gone.

These banned blocks can only be stored in your hotbar (if you look at your inventory it's gone), or in a zombie's hand. They cannot be placed either. C'mon popbob, pyrobyte... Kinorama? Can you guys disable this plugin? Oh wait all the 2b2t hackers are gone... We only have Lagfags left. DAMN YOU RUSHER!


Category:Hacked ItemsCategory:ItemsCategory:ExploitCategory:Articles with Questionable ContentCategory:Articles in need of cleanupCategory:Backdoor

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